Legal notice and terms of use

Version in force as from 30/5/2024

Legal information

Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, establishes that the provider of information society services shall be obliged to have the means to enable both the recipients of the service and the competent bodies to have permanent, easy, direct and free electronic access to the following information:

Domain name:


Owner: SURDRY, S.L., a company with registered offices in Abadiño (Bizkaia), Pol. Industrial Trañapadura, E6, registered in the Commercial Register of Bizkaia at volume 302, sheet 144, page BI-18.796 and with Spanish tax identification number (N.I.F.) B-48118624 (hereinafter, “SURDRY“).

Conditions of use

Field, object and scope

The present provisions (hereinafter, the “CONDITIONS OF USE“), regulate the access and use of the web page service that SURDRY places at the disposal of Internet Users (hereinafter, the “USER(S)“) through the domain (hereinafter, the “WEBSITE“).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, access to certain content and the use of some of the services made available to the USER through the WEBSITE may be subject to certain specific conditions (hereinafter, the “SPECIFIC CONDITIONS“) which, as the case may be, will replace, complete and/or modify these CONDITIONS OF USE and which, in the event of contradiction, will prevail over the latter. These SPECIFIC CONDITIONS, where applicable, shall be available to USERS on the WEBSITE itself.

Consequently, before accessing said contents and/or using said services, the USER must carefully read and, if applicable, accept the SPECIFIC CONDITIONS that regulate them in the version published at the time of said access and/or use.

SURDRY reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of the contents, of the present CONDITIONS OF USE, as well as, where appropriate, of the corresponding SPECIFIC CONDITIONS and, in general, of any elements that make up the design and configuration of the WEBSITE.

The TERMS OF USE published in the last update of the WEBSITE shall apply, and those published on the WEBSITE at the time of each visit shall apply to such each visit.

By accessing the WEBSITE, the USER expressly and unreservedly consents to and accepts these TERMS OF USE, by virtue of which the terms of use of the WEBSITE are determined, and such acceptance shall have the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed contract. In the event that the USER does not fully accept these TERMS OF USE, he/she will not be authorised to access the WEBSITE.

USER registration and password

When the use of the WEBSITE and/or access to certain contents and/or services made available through the WEBSITE require the USER to register, the USER shall be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information for this purpose.

The USER shall be obliged to make diligent use of the identifier and password that, where appropriate, are assigned for the aforementioned purpose and shall be responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of the same, undertaking not to assign their use to third parties, either temporarily or permanently, and not to allow access to third parties.

In the event of theft, loss or unauthorized access to his/her identifier and password, the USER will be responsible for immediately notifying SURDRY of this circumstance so that it can proceed to its cancellation. Under no circumstances will SURDRY be responsible for the actions carried out by unauthorized third parties using the USER’s identifier and password as long as the aforementioned notification by the USER has not taken place.

Economic conditions of access and use of the WEBSITE

Unless otherwise stipulated in the SPECIFIC CONDITIONS, access to the WEBSITE and its contents are free of charge, except for the cost of connection to the telecommunications network that the USER has contracted with his/her/its provider, which shall be borne by the USER.

IP Rights

All IP Rights over the WEBSITE are legally reserved and access or its use by the USER, must not be considered, in any way, as the granting of any license of use or right over any asset whose ownership or property corresponds to SURDRY and/or any third party. The present reservation of rights extends both (i) to the external appearance (look and feel) and to the code, design and navigation structure of the WEBSITE; and (ii) to the contents which under any format may be included and distributed through the WEBSITE and, in particular, to any images and audiovisual contents which SURDRY includes in the WEBSITE.

The inclusion on the WEBSITE of references to commercial names, brands, logos or other distinctive signs, whether registered or not, whether owned by SURDRY or third parties, is subject to prohibition of use without the express consent of SURDRY or their legitimate owner.

Consequently, the USER may only view and use the contents and services made available to him/her/it through the WEBSITE for strictly personal and private purposes, and provided that this is not for the purpose of developing commercial or professional activities with said contents and/or services.

It is also forbidden to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, sublicense or convey in any way, translate or make derivative works of the computer programs necessary for the operation, access and use of the WEBSITE. The USER must abstain in all cases from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed on the WEBSITE.

Liability and guarantees

Whoever uses the WEBSITE, does so at his/her/its own risk. The USER undertakes (i) not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of SURDRY or third parties, that could damage, render useless or overload the WEBSITE, or that could impede, in any way, the normal use of the same; and (ii) to use the WEBSITE in a manner fully in accordance with the Laws and the uses of commercial traffic.

Consequently, the USER shall be liable to SURDRY and/or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a consequence of the non-fulfilment of said obligations.

SURDRY adopts the security measures it considers relevant for maintaining the correct functioning of the WEBSITE and to detect the existence of viruses and harmful components. Nevertheless, the USER must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore, SURDRY cannot guarantee (i) the continuous availability of the contents and services contained in the WEBSITE; (ii) the absence of errors in said contents nor the correction of any defect that may occur; (iii) the non-existence of viruses or other harmful elements that may cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the USER or in their electronic documents and files contained therein; nor (iv) the infallibility of the security measures adopted.

SURDRY also reserves the right to interrupt partially or totally the service, temporarily or definitively, in the event of technical changes or breakdowns, giving prior notice, if possible, through the WEBSITE or by any other means provided for this purpose.


Linked sites

Through the WEBSITE, SURDRY may place at the disposal of the USER technical linking devices (such as buttons, links and banners) which may lead the USER to other Internet sites or portals belonging to and/or managed by third parties and over which SURDRY does not exercise any type of control (hereinafter, the “LINKED SITES“).

The USER shall be aware that by using such linking devices and accessing the LINKED SITES from the WEBSITE, these TERMS OF USE shall cease to apply.

SURDRY does not know or control in any way the contents and services included in the LINKED SITES, and the inclusion of an access to the same through the WEBSITE does not imply, in any case, (i) that SURDRY recommends or approves the contents and services hosted in the LINKED SITES; and/or (ii) that there exists any type of relationship, collaboration or dependence between SURDRY and the person responsible for the LINKED SITE.

Consequently, SURDRY assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the LINKED SITES and, therefore, is not responsible for their operation, for the contents and services hosted therein, nor for the links contained in said LINKED SITES.

In the event that the USER has effective knowledge of the unlawfulness or inadequacy of the contents, services or any other activities carried out through a LINKED SITE, he/she/it must immediately inform SURDRY so that, if necessary, the latter may adopt the measures it considers appropriate.


The establishment of hypertext links (hyperlinks) on other websites or web pages is authorized, provided that they are directed to the home page of the WEBSITE, or, where appropriate, to any other internal page (deep link) of the WEBSITE and that the corresponding pages appear in a complete window and under their respective URL addresses, assuming full responsibility and risk that may arise from establishing the hyperlink to the WEBSITE.

The website or web page which establishes the hyperlink shall not state in any way that SURDRY has authorized said hyperlink, unless SURDRY has done so expressly and in writing.

If the third party who introduces the hyperlink in its site or web page wishes to include in it the brand, denomination, commercial name, label, logotype or any other identifying element owned by SURDRY and/or referring to the WEBSITE, it must have the prior, express and written authorization of SURDRY.

In any case, the presentation of a page of the WEBSITE in a window of another website that does not belong to SURDRY and/or the other entities that form part of its business group, by means of the technique known as “framing”, is expressly prohibited, unless with the express consent of SURDRY.

Likewise, the insertion of any type of content disseminated through, in another site or web page other than the WEBSITE by means of the technique known as “in line linking”, is expressly prohibited without the express consent of SURDRY.

The establishment of a hyperlink in accordance with the aforementioned conditions shall not imply, under any circumstances, the existence of a relationship between SURDRY and the owner/responsible party of the web site or web page to which said hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance or approval by SURDRY of its contents and/or services.

In any case, SURDRY reserves the right to ban or disable at any time any hyperlink to the WEBSITE, especially in the event of unlawfulness of the activity and/or contents of the site or web page in which it is included.

Privacy policy: protection of personal data

The USER has detailed information about the treatment of his/her personal data by SURDRY in the link

Cookies policy

The WEBSITE uses cookies and/or other similar data storage and retrieval devices.

SURDRY has established a “Cookies Policy” which can be accessed through the link

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These TERMS OF USE are subject to Spanish law.

For the resolution of any conflict which may arise from access to the WEBSITE, its contents and/or the services which SURDRY places at the disposal of the USER through the WEBSITE, the USER and SURDRY agree to submit themselves expressly to the Courts and Tribunals of Durango (Bizkaia), waiving any other general or special jurisdiction which may correspond to them, when legally possible.